UNIOP is a brand that offers advanced yet cost-effective human-machine interface (HMI) solutions for industrial automation applications. The brand has a range of HMI products, including touchscreens and operator interfaces, that are designed to provide users with a rich set of features and functions. Some of the products include the eTOP03-0046 24V controller, PLC programmable control system, and automation equipment, eTOP 507U2P1 operator interface HMI, and the ETOP ETOP50B-0050 touchscreen panel with PC HMI accessories.
The eTOP03-0046 is a low-cost HMI device that comes with a touchscreen interface, 3.8-inch monochrome graphics display, and 1/4 VGA resolution. This compact size, along with the vertical mode (portrait mode) operation, makes it suitable for a wide range of applications without compromising on quality and performance. The eTOP03 is also compatible with other UniOP products, such as the eTOP02 and ePAD03-ePAD06.